
Our restaurants were born on a 100% gluten-free food philosophy, and for this reason we will continue to offer fully gluten free menus at our fast-casual Little Beet restaurants and gluten free options at full-serve Little Beet Table restaurants. After cultivating a spirit of growth and spending the past six years learning more about our guests' needs, we introduce to you, our community, a new food philosophy.

Rather than move away from being gluten-free, we're moving towards being inclusive to all health goals, alternative diets, allergens, intolerances and lifestyle choices. Rather than removing the fan favorites you have come to know and love (and crave!), we are adding options for those who desire something different.

Though we do not have any intent to add items with gluten to our Little Beet menu, we have taken into account years of feedback and recommendations received from our guests, and have recently made the decision to introduce gluten options for a select number of items on our Little Beet Table menus. 

Our original gluten-free approach will ALWAYS be held close when we develop menus. Our Little Beet Table menus will continue to delineate between anything that is gluten free or contains gluten. Strict cross-contamination protocols will remain in place. And most importantly, every dish on our Little Beet Table menus can still be made gluten free.

It’s important to us that our guests understand this was a thoughtful decision made with care. As we have grown, we have learned exciting and eye opening things about our community, like how the same percentage of our guests are as interested in dairy free dishes as they are in gluten free dishes. So we asked ourselves: how can we be inclusive to everyone?

As you continue to engage with Little Beet Table in the safe space you've always known, you can rest assured that all Little Beet Table platforms, from our website to all of our delivery partners, have efforts in place to take care of your needs. For instance, "forced modifiers" exist on our delivery sites where all guests must select an option for bread or pasta type. When ordering a burger, YOU choose if you'll be diving into a gluten free bun, lettuce wrap or sesame seed bun.

The well-being of our guests is our most important priority and we will continue to practice 100% transparency in order to best support you. It’s important to us to hear your feedback and advice on how we can be most inclusive. If you’re willing to share your thoughts with us here, we can better understand how to take care of you and the rest of our community.

We appreciate all of our guests so much, and we hold a special place for our most loyal community members like yourself.